The latest addition to our Private Reserve stock is a 58cm Colnago Dream with full 25th anniversary Dura Ace groupo. It has Mavic Open Pro Wheels and has been upgraded to Vic's Classic Bike standards with new cotton bar tape and a Bristish Racing Green B17 special.

A bike shop in Louisville, Kentucky, we have over 300 quality vintage lugged-steel road bikes from the 1970s and '80s available for restoration, including Schwinn, Raleigh, Peugeot, Motobecane, Ross, Masi, DeRosa, Puch, Astro Diamler, Nishiki, Atala, Zullo, Concord, ItalaVega, Dawes, Fuji, KHS and Trek. Sizes from 47 to 63CM. The inventory is constantly changing and there's always a wide selection available on our website.