
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

$4.00 gas no suprise here.

I am 57 years old and started driving on .40 gasoline. I grew up in a modest household with 6 children. In those days of tight money we would jump in the old V8 Buick and go for a nice long Sunday drive of sight seeing (an inexpensive way to entertain the whole family) Since the Arab Oil Embargo in the 70s we have been warned this was coming. Like Forest Gump "I am not a smart man" but sorta understand basic supply and demand. (Thanks IUS School of Business) With China and India going through their own industrial revolutions the world market for energy has changed. I have watched in amazement as folks bought SUV's and built big homes in out lying bedroom communities. Now that people are starting to feel the pain they want someone to blame...