A bike shop in Louisville, Kentucky, we have over 300 quality vintage lugged-steel road bikes from the 1970s and '80s available for restoration, including Schwinn, Raleigh, Peugeot, Motobecane, Ross, Masi, DeRosa, Puch, Astro Diamler, Nishiki, Atala, Zullo, Concord, ItalaVega, Dawes, Fuji, KHS and Trek. Sizes from 47 to 63CM. The inventory is constantly changing and there's always a wide selection available on our website. www.vicsclassicbikes.com
Friday, August 14, 2009
Plenty of inventory, over 100 bikes available for restoration
A resent inquiry wanted to know if I had any bikes left. Forgive me for not being clear. While I only have 3 ready for pick up I have plenty available for restoration. With the summer season in full swing most customers have been pre ordering their bikes so they have not shown up here for sale. James is a systems engineer, lives 1 mile from work and does not own a car. He was looking for his 2nd bicycle and wanted to try the Fixed Gear experience. The solution is a 63CM Astr0Diamler lugged Reynolds 531 frame, Formula hubs, Alex rims. Give me a call and see what we can come up with for you. 502-552-5669