
Monday, May 17, 2010

Moving announcment

I have signed a lease and will take possition of the ground floor of the building located at 912 Baxter Avenue. This move will give me over 3 times the space and a more visible and accessable location.The main show room is 600 sq' with 2, 4'x5' display windows. Special thanks to Dominic Bosco for the work on the domain web site. We spent most of the day Saturday and will have new features up soon. I am making a commitment to stock more of the Brooks line and refine the offering in Park Tools, Bern Helmets, and Velo Orange products. I also hope get back to regular postings of newly completed work and new inventory. Have had a turn over of about 20 bikes in the inventory. I have aquired just about enough to replace what has gone out the door. I hope to be in the new location open for business by the 2nd or 3rd week of June.